Music Monday – Pick-Me-Up Songs

I adore video game music, and I enjoy sharing my favorites with others who also appreciate it. Many hours of hard work and talent are poured into symphonies and majestic scores that are just as iconic as the characters that embody the games.

I’ve shared other lists before on this blog, and in this entry, I’d like to share another one with you.

It could take years to pick and choose the greatest tunes that have ever graced our consoles and hand-held devices, but for today, we’ll suffice with just those below.

I’ve chosen three songs that cheer me up during long, drawn-out days – this especially can be the case in the months of January and February, when time somehow just seems to slow down.

There are many more besides just these three that I’d like to share in the future, but for now, I’d like to share with you some gaming tunes that may help pick-you-up when you’re just ready to throw in the towel.

1.) The Sims 3 – Main Theme (2009)

Music by Pieter Schlosser

The Sims has to be one of most beloved, addicting franchises to ever grace our computers. With so many possibilities alone in the base games, as well as the never-ending DLCs, there is just so much you could do in each installment.

After playing The Sims 2 for a number of years, I finally got my hands on The Sims 3 when it was released, and it is still, by far, my favorite out of The Sims franchise. I still love to play and create new families to play as from time to time, and I believe part of what makes the game so much fun to play in the first place is the music.

It’s light, bubbly, and playful – just like the game can be. The opening theme alone is enough to lift my spirits, no matter what kind of day I’m having. After hearing this as the game is first loading, I just know there’s fun waiting to be had in my Sims‘ towns. An honorable mention that I have to also share would be the Main Theme for The Sims 2.

2) Super Mario World – Overworld Theme (Yoshi) (1990)
Music by Koji Kondo

I think most if not all of the music in the Super Mario Bros. series is lighthearted and cheery – it has to be, if your main character is a plumber who goes on a quest against flying turtles and hostile mushrooms in order to rescue the princess he loves from a fire-breathing dragon.

Yoshi himself is one of the franchise’s most endearing characters, being that he’s a green dinosaur that you get to ride in various games. This theme plays when you’re doing just that, which just makes you excited every time you’re able to do that, and disappointed if you lose him later on in the level.

This theme just can’t help but make me smile – and I hope it does for you too!

3) Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 9 AM (2012)
Music by Manaka Kataoka, Atsuko Asahi, and Kazumi Totaka

Like the Super Mario Bros. franchise, this series (also developed by Nintendo) is innocent both in its presentation and its atmosphere in-game. I love how the music changes constantly, as each hour has its own designated tune – most of which fit the time of day you play in. Even the weather can change the tune somewhat, with snowy and rainy days having gentler melodies than fair weather.

I chose this particular one, because it helps give you a sense to smile, jump out of bed, and greet the day ahead. It can’t help but bring joy to my heart, compared to most of the other songs in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

If you’re struggling to wake up early in the morning and need help getting into a positive mindset, this song will help aid you in that!

What are some video game tunes that lift you up when life drags you down? I’d love to hear what some of your thoughts and opinions are! Let me know in the comments below.

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