Reflecting on 2019, and Beyond

As I’m writing this article, we are just hours away from bidding 2019 goodbye, and preparing to face a brand new decade. It’s hard to believe how quickly a year passes by – it’s even more incredible when you realize ten years ago was 2010. It doesn’t seem like that long ago, and yet here we are, ready to enter the New 20’s. 

As far as gaming is concerned, I didn’t play and complete as many games as I had the previous year. I wanted to give a highlight here of what I did accomplish, though, with a short thought about each game, and what I’m currently playing through right now.

1.) Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series

I would love to take another look at this episodic game in the near future and share some more detailed thoughts, but needless to say, I think if you enjoyed the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s take on these unlikely heroes, then you should definitely check out this game. It didn’t take me long to go through and complete all of the episodes, and I genuinely was intrigued by the choices and consequences I was presented with. 

You play as Peter Quill in this series and get to take a first-hand look at what it’s like leading the Guardians in fascinating adventures, and interacting with colorful characters of all kinds. I liked bonding with the other Guardians and learning more about the world around me through studying emails and artifacts around me. I played Peter a bit nicer and more thoughtful than I’m aware his film and comic book counterparts are, but it was still nice to have the opportunity to play him just the way I wanted to. 

Needless to say, being a Telltale game, there’s a lot more to this one than I’m revealing here. I know that Telltale has had a rough couple of years, but with news of Telltale Games’ revival, this is one series that I’ll be keeping my eyes on if they ever decide to revisit it.

2.) The LEGO Movie Videogame

The LEGO video game series has really become quite a juggernaut, hasn’t it? With multiple franchises being adapted over the years, it makes sense that they would also create a video game based on the aptly named The LEGO Movie

The story follows the film pretty faithfully, although being a video game, you have the freedom to explore the various locations from the film as your favorite characters, and then some. It was an easy and simple game to complete, but sometimes you need something lighter and softer to chew on and enjoy it for what it is. 

3.) Kingdom Hearts III

Like so many other Kingdom Hearts fans, I bought this third installment on day one, and immediately began to play it. While it is a very solid game and gorgeous to look at, I have to be honest when I say that this might be one of my least favorite Kingdom Hearts installments. I’m not sure if I like it less than the very first one, but the second one was (and continues) to be my favorite in the series.

The worlds, while all different and unique this go-around, almost felt the same to me – that is, a lot of what you had to do in each world felt the same, almost copy-and-paste-like. 

Compared to the past games, there felt like there was very little risk for the majority of the game and not a lot of character growth; each world felt like a hurdle to jump over with very little meaning, and even though it was fun to explore each world, I couldn’t help but feel like there was a missing ingredient overall. 

That being said, it does pick itself back in the climax (even if I still have trouble understanding how some characters came back when they did). 

The music was gorgeous and colorful, courtesy of Ms. Shimomura’s eclectic talent, and I loved the tracks that played for each world.

Also, we finally got a Toy Story world! I can’t tell you how many hours I spent just exploring that world – I was having a ball seeing Woody, Buzz, Rex, and Hamm again. What a blast! Another honorable mention was the Pirates of the Caribbean world, which this go-around was much brighter and more fun to play through than its original counterpart in Kingdom Hearts II.

Those are the three that I played to completion – there are multiple others that I began this year that I still have yet to finish: Eastshade, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, and Red Dead Redemption 2.

I also continued The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim after not picking it up for a couple of years, as well as played various PC games on Steam that continue to be some of my favorites: The Sims 3, Crusader Kings II, Age of Empires II, among others. 

I hope to continue to play these games and more in 2020 – time management continues be a challenge, but one that I look forward to continue working on in the days ahead. If you have any game suggestions that you think I should look into, please let me know! My favorites are RPGs and real-time strategy games, but I’m always looking to building my collection and sharing my thoughts with others. 

I’m currently playing through Red Dead Redemption 2 as of the end of this year.

As far as personal growth, there have been a lot of ups and downs this decade. I finished high school, entered and graduated from college, and did a lot of soul-searching career-wise after a job opportunity turned sour. I’m pleased and thankful to God for the journey He’s led me on this past decade, and where I am currently. 

I decided to get back into writing and learning music, after pushing them to the side for a number of years, either due to discouragement or lack of motivation. I’m happy to say that after being consistent with both, I’m enjoying both forms of art now more than I ever did. Especially with the creation of this blog earlier this year.

This blog helps me reach out to others – others who like me, enjoy playing games, watching fun television shows, and appreciating the art that’s created in media…but wanting something more. Something tangible that they can walk away with, and can apply it to their lives to make them more fulfilling. To help them see that God’s creative spirit and truth is reflected in our creativity – even in something as unlikely as a video game. 

That’s how the idea for Hope, Play, and Love got started – I hope to take it further in 2020 and that this blog remains a place of positivity, light, and encouragement for all who visit here.

May your 2020 be one of fulfillment and joy – thank you, and have a Happy New Year!

“For I know the plans I have for you”, says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
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