Three Challenges and Three Blessings For This Time

It’s been almost two months since we’ve essentially shut down our lives as we’ve always lived them – from commuting to work and studying in school, to shopping in retail and hanging out with friends…everything has changed, and not exactly for the better.

However, there have also been wonderful things that have come out of this time of uncertainty, and we should work to continue to keep those going.

Everyones’ stories and ways of dealing with the quarantine are different, but there are some overlaps that I’ve experienced that I think are worth going over and sharing with you. My hope is that we can recognize habits and practices in our lives that are both harmful and beneficial, and how we can go forward in the season ahead.

I’ve noticed three challenges and three blessings that I’ve experienced that perhaps you can relate with as well. I want to start by going over the challenges first, and the struggles I’ve had in pushing through despite them.

  • ChallengeStruggle with time management

Like so many fans, I watched the Parks and Recreation special that aired this past week on NBC, and couldn’t help but be amused and relate to how the characters were also coping with quarantine. I had to nod and smile especially as Tom Haverford remarked, “Isn’t it weird that time has no meaning anymore?”

I know friends and acquaintances have mentioned that they also have lost track of time; what feels like Saturday for them is actually Wednesday, and what feels like 4 P.M. is actually 7 P.M.

I know for me especially, working from home has been a blessing but also onerous; I don’t feel I’m being held as accountable to wake up at the time I normally would, or to engage with my students as frequently as I am used to.

With regard to hobbies, I have more time to catch up on gaming and reading, but I can lose track just as easily and not accomplish nearly as much as I expect to. It can feel like time is slipping away, and there’s not much I can do about that except wake up earlier or add more items to my planner throughout the week and try to glance at it more often.

  • ChallengeWhen self-isolating is isolating

I’m a natural introvert. You would think the opportunity of being able to stay at home and not having to socially engage would sound like a dream come true for me. And, at times, it has been.


I’m finding that the lack of face-to-face contact with close friends is taking a toll on my mental and emotional health in some regards. Not enough to be worrisome, thank God, but enough to where it feels like something important is missing from my life – and it’s true.

We need connection and engagement with one another, no matter how introverted God has wired our brains to be. Even in the beginning of time when Adam was first created, God realized that Adam needed engagement with another human being; it couldn’t just be Him and Adam all of the time. And so, God created Eve – a companion for Adam. A friend.

If you’re feeling disconnected from the world around you, and you find that social media isn’t the answer for you to be ‘social,’ try asking a friend to play a co-op game together and have a chat through playing together, or have a Zoom conference so that you can check on one another.

I find it so refreshing to have that one-on-one time with a friend, even if we’re not physically adjacent to one another. Just the opportunity to hear their voice or to see their face makes the ordeal a little easier to handle.

  • ChallengeThe feeling of being trapped

I don’t mean the sensation of claustrophobia, although it’s possible a lot of us do feel constricted in our movements during this shut down. What I mean is not being able to go out and explore the world around us.

Sure, I’ve been outside and walked in my neighborhood while observing social distancing guidelines. In some ways, it’s heartwarming; I’m seeing so many families outside for the first time, enjoying being able to spend good quality time together (I’ll talk a bit more this in a bit).

But I miss being able to get in my car and go wherever I want to go. I miss going to Barnes and Noble, ordering a cup of coffee, and browsing through the latest magazines.

I miss being able to visit my local comic book shop and speaking with the vendors, discussing favorite publications and learning from them.

During spring break, before it became obvious that things would be changing for a long while, I helped myself to one of my favorite restaurants and ate a favorite dish with a cup of coffee outside (in a fancy china mug, no less!)

I went to the zoo afterwards, enjoying the sights and sounds for as long as I wanted to, walking and admiring the animals playing and sleeping at my own leisure.

If only I could have known that it would be closed down only a day later…

It’s the beginning of May now, and we’re hearing reports of businesses and individuals suffering from not being able to go back to work. Many of us also miss being able to go places with friends and family and hanging out with one another, creating memories and lasting bonds that are cherished for a lifetime. It can be a struggle when those opportunities are taken away from you, and you’re restricted in what you’re able to do.

It’s easy to take note of all the hardships we’ve experienced since the quarantine began, but the truth is that there’s been a lot of unexpected joy in all of this chaos. I’ve read and heard of so many wonderful stories, and I hope we can continue building up on those as things hopefully return to normal, rather than placing them aside and ignoring them.

These are three blessings that I’ve found for myself during this time that I hope you are also able to relate to.

  • BlessingBeing able to go outside more frequently

As I mentioned before, it’s been an absolute joy to witness more families engaging more outside, whether it’s through biking, jogging together, or taking a leisurely stroll. It’s easy to see that there are more loved ones experiencing higher amounts of quality time together.

I’ve enjoyed driving around in my car, and admiring the beautiful countryside, seeing how the spring season has brought it to life again. With the temperatures rising and the trees becoming greener, it’s been very enjoyable to finally venture outside again, even if it’s only around the block.

I hope that we can continue to use the outdoors as a way to continue to learn and grow with one another, even if time eventually becomes a precious commodity once more.

  • BlessingCatching up and completing long-term projects

Aside from my job of teaching, there are many things I enjoy doing that I love spending quality time on when I can. I love to read, and every year I challenge myself on trying to complete a set number of books by the end of that year. With the pandemic shutting many schools down and forcing everyone to teach from home, it leaves me with more time to read more books and reach my goal even quicker, if not surpass it.

Although I can’t go to the gym, I’m challenging myself everyday to get outside and move; I love walking, and find myself taking several strolls throughout the day and enjoying my surroundings while working to remain fit and healthy.

I have more time to practice my music now from the comfort of my home and working more each day to improve my skills a little bit at a time. It’s an accomplishment when you can witness yourself growing, and learning a new skill is definitely one of the best ways to see that.

I also have more time to complete video games that have long been on the back-burner, which also leaves me with a sense of accomplishment (I was able to complete both Red Dead Redemption 2 and Final Fantasy VII: Remake in the span of a few weeks, when normally it would take me several months in-between).

Of course, this leaves me more time to write more and express myself creatively in that avenue. It’s a great passion of mine to write, both on this blog and elsewhere. To be able to share my words with others is truly gives me a sense of accomplishment as well as great pleasure.

I hope to use my time wisely to also work on other creative projects as I’m able to. While time management is still a challenge for me, I’m learning to give myself grace and let myself know it’s not the end of the world if I don’t get to something I originally planned to…and that there will be other times that I may be able to complete them. It’s a reminder that’s worth being repeated time and time again.

  • BlessingFinding the good and creativity in others

I adore John Krasinski’s YouTube Channel Some Good News – it’s a channel that highlight everything that’s going right right now in the world in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you’re in need of an encouraging pick-me up or are having a rough day, then John’s channel is one I would heartily recommend to you.

It’s so heartwarming seeing so many people from all over the world, of different ages and backgrounds, come together in unity. Love is being expressed in all of its best forms, and encouragement is contagious.

Good news is actually quite easy to find, if you’re willing to look for it. Even around my neighborhood, I see families working together on home projects, and some are even using creative ways to reach out to neighbors without having to engage in person. One example is using creative lawn ornaments arranged in humorous fashions, meant to raise some eyebrows and cause onlookers to chuckle as they walk past…but that’s the point. It adds a little bit of levity to what’s certainly been a testing time for everyone.

Teachers are giving parades to students to let them know that they love and miss them, and plans are being made to make graduation for this year’s seniors a memorable one, since a traditional graduation ceremony seems out of reach for the foreseeable future.

These are only just a few examples, but I can’t wait to read and see even more in the days to come. We are a creative people and come from a creative God. Using creativity to lift spirits and give hope seems like a necessity now more than ever before.

What are some challenges or blessings that you’ve experienced in these past few months? Do you see them staying with you in the weeks and months ahead?

Acknowledging them and finding ways to understand and use them in your life may be what you need right now. Sometimes you just need a moment to step back, take a deep breath, and think about what your upcoming days will look like for you.

Sometimes hope comes to us as a gift, while other times it is something we have to choose to receive out of our own volition. But it is not gone during this time, and things will eventually become easier to handle again as the storm calms.

Have faith in the Creator who has promised you wisdom and strength to overcome hardships, and that peace will be yours – virus or no. Hold on to the blessings found, and become stronger through the challenges ahead.

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